Welcome CCC NGO Database

CCC NGO Database is a critical resource that provides information for CCC to be able to bring together the NGO sectors shared voice and provide important information for development agencies. The database has been functioning to serve needs of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for over 10 years and has stored NGO information and activities since 2004.

This Database is updating and maintenance by the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC). The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) is grateful to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Stakeholders for supporting this Database and contributing to more effective aid management by providing timely and comprehensive information.For further information or assistance, please visit ngodb2.ccc-cambodia.org.

Recent NGO

ុុអាប៉ូប៉ូ ( គម្រោងបោសសំអាតមីនប្រឆាំងមនុស្ )

APOPO (Anti Persoonsmijnen Ontmijnende Product Ontwikkeling (Anti Personnel Mine Removal Product Development))

International NGOs


Action Aid Cambodia (AAC)

International NGOs


Nomad Recherche at Soutiex International (Nomad RSI)

International NGOs



Coordination of Action Research on Aids and Mobility(Caram Cambodia) (CARAM)

Local NGOs

www.caram cambodia.org


The Asia Foundation (TAF)

International NGOs
