
ជំនួយក្មេងជំទង់ក្រីក្រ ( អ.ជ.ក.ជ )
Save Incapacity Teenagers (SIT)
ប្រភេទ : Local NGOs
Gpp : Never
វិស័យ : Education and Training
SIT’s GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1. Improve the opportunities available to poor and disadvantaged Cambodian youth by providing them with scholarships and vocational training to further their skills. 2.Capacity building for advocacy and awareness raising on children’s rights to prevent and protect against sexual and economic exploitation of vulnerable young people 3.Improve their health by providing health care and awareness of reproductive health and HIV/AIDs, 4.Providing non-formal inclusive education and scholarships to maximize the educational opportunities for disadvantaged teenagers and children - SIT’s KEY POLICIES AND STRATEGIES 4.Working with vulnerable teenagers and their families in difficult situations and those at risk of exploitation 5.Promoting children’s rights and youth participation. 6. Operating sustainable projects to generate long term positive impacts on the lives of vulnerable teenagers 7.Promoting active participation of young women in all strategies and projects - SIT’s MAIN ACTIVITIES - Vocational skills training Program 1. Provide vocational skills training for vulnerable teenagers and at risk youths. - Human rights and democracy Program 1.Education and integration of human rights, children’s rights, democracy, advocacy, and free counseling service to vulnerable teenagers and at risk youths. 2. Salvation program for teenagers or youths who have been forced or cheated into illegal employment, trafficked into prostitution and others living in crisis. 3. Prevent and protect against sex trafficking, and all kind violations or crimes targeted at vulnerable young groups. 4. Awareness raising HIV/AIDs, RH and Home Based Care 5.Promoting the knowledge of reproductive heath and sexually transmitted diseases as part of our HIV/AIDs prevention and Home Based Care for children and their families. 6. Non- formal Education 7.Support and scholarships for disadvantaged teenagers in difficult situations who are willing to extend their studies using available SIT resources
Save Incapacity Teenagers (SIT) was founded in 1994 as a non denominational, non partisan and non political Cambodian Non Government Organization to address the problems facing teenagers caught in the cycle of poverty and unemployment. Its aims are to promote human rights and advocate for improved educational, health and working conditions for minors, a vulnerable group that is particularly exposed to exploitation. Young people (or teenagers), orphans and disabled children of poor households who presently live in rural areas have little or no opportunity to attend school, and then have no access to gainful employment. Trapped in this common place situation, they are easy targets for sexual trafficking and illegal child labor. It can also force them into a hopeless state whereby dangers lie in homelessness, narcotic addictions, prostitution and thieving. SIT believes these increasingly dangerous levels of poverty and unemployment are crucial matters that must be addressed immediately. SIT works to improve options and opportunities for a better future for Cambodia’s vulnerable young people, and thereby founding a stronger generation for this country. SIT is an independently local non-profit, non-partisan, and non-governmental organization, which regards no race, nationality and religion. It was founded on 25 November 1998 and was registered by the Ministry of Interior No 625 sCN on 03 August 1999. SIT is one of Star Kampuchea’s cooperating organizations, part of the Advocacy team and is an active member of ECPAT Cambodia, NGOCRC, HACC and the Child Welfare Group. SIT has currently been operating in Mukompoul district, Kandal province and in Pearaing district, Prey Veng province.
SIT works for the development of Cambodian teenagers and youths, in improving their educational, health and working conditions.
A country with peace and prosperity is a country with strong and well developed teenagers and their families