M&E App

With support both financial and technical from Development Innovation, the online M&E app has been developed which customizing from Kobo Tool Box to provide excellence services, effectiveness, and maintaining M&E tool to its members and CSOs community in data collection (program activities and surveys), especially; improving results based management and knowledge management in their organizations. This tool have more functions and benefit such as can use Offline & Online, Dashboard, Android, iOS, Web form, Khmer version, Geographic administration, GPS, multimedia, Question library, Free style report, User management and can help us to save time and budget, save environment, the data collected is secure, confidence, accurate and generate the report faster. In October 2017 CCC will host the M&E tool on their own cloud and provide capacity development on house to use this tool for interesting individual or organizations to use.

For more information please go to link schedule for hosting and fee for using this tool or contact Mr. Vang Sean, M&E specialist through e-mail: sean.vang@ccc-cambodia.org and Phone: 012 21 78 22

Event Calendar
21 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
03 Apr 2025, HR Learning Forum