Detail of Information
Contact Information
Director/Country director :
Ccc Box :
Po Box :
Phone Number : 023 6501 666/017 778 214
Email Address :
Head Quarter Phone Number : +61 08 9444 1135
Head Quarter Website :
Head Quarter Email :
Head Quarter Address : Suite 6, Level 1, 1200 Hay Street WEST PERTH WA 6005.
Head Quarter Country :
Transform Cambodia is on a mission to transform Cambodia - one child at a time. It's a radical plan - but we serve a radical God who passionately loves these forgotten people. We establish our Life Centres in poor districts - each centre enrolling up to 100 local street-children who would otherwise be working to help their family eke out a living. Our responsibility now is to do all we can to build these great young lives into Cambodia's new leaders - vibrant, hopeful and confident in their future. Our CEO, Aaron Gregory and his wife, Rachel Gregory (our Director of Operations), lead the organisation and are based in Perth. Aaron and Rachel lead the development of Transform Cambodia, and work directly with our in-country Executive. In-country Executive team - The most senior of our Cambodian staff form the Executive, and they oversee all the operations on the ground. These exceptional six people lead over 200 staff, and work as a leadership team.
The Cambodia of today is in many ways a young country, still struggling to establish the institutions of a developed nation after years of horrific war and genocide. 42% of the population is under 15 years of age, and many of these children have never learned to dream, to even hope for a better way of life than simply surviving one day at a time. Education is the greatest way to break their poverty cycle, but first we must meet the child's daily needs. There is a great future in each child, and Transform Cambodia is committed to doing everything possible to transform their life. Here's how we do it: We establish Transform Cambodia Centres in poor districts. Each Centre admits up to 100 children, and is operated by Khmer staff - a Manager, a Deputy Manager, three or four trainers, a trainer/housekeeper and a cook. We enroll the children in carefully selected local schools, and pay all fees and costs. Children attend for half-days, 6 days a week. On the other half-days the children attend the Centre, where they receive: Meals and nutritional supplements Tutoring in their schoolwork Coaching to read and speak English Training in life skills Each child is mentored to believe in themselves and in their leadership potential. The children in our program can no longer work on the streets helping to earn their family's income, so we compensate families by distributing them food. We appoint sponsors for each child. Sponsors help finance the operation, and encourage the children through letters and email.