Detail of Information

វិទ្យាស្ថានសភាកម្ពុជា ( )
Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC)
Type : Local NGOs
Gpp : Never
Sector :
Contact Information
Director/Country director :
Ccc Box :
Po Box :
Phone Number : ០23 210 055/០23 210 056/០11 761 716
Email Address :
Website :
Head Quarter Phone Number :
Head Quarter Website :
Head Quarter Email :
Head Quarter Address :
Head Quarter Country :
About PIC: The Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC) was founded in 2011 at the request of the Cambodian Parliament. It is independent but responds to a need to support capacity building among Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff, and to help the Cambodian Parliament to improve its overall performance. PIC remains a key element in supporting the Cambodian Parliament in its aspirations to progress in each of its functions: lawmaking, representation and oversight. PIC works with Parliamentarians from all political parties in Cambodia and maintains a policy of strict neutrality PIC works to enhance the professionalization of the Cambodian Parliament. In collaboration with Parliamentarians, it supports the Cambodian Parliament’s aspirations to meet the internationally-recognized standards required of a democratic parliament in the 21st century In responding to demand from the Cambodian Parliament, PIC draws on the expertise of national, regional and international partners. It correspondingly seeks always to build its own internal capacity to better serve the needs of its Parliamentarian clients. In supporting its parliamentary clients, PIC employs a range of services including research products, workshops, seminars, internships and support for outreach activities. The vision of PIC is to become a national leader and regional partner in democratic development, specializing in the strengthening of representative institutions and parliamentary leadership. The mission of PIC is to assist legislatures in Cambodia in building their capacity as effective democratic institutions, promoting parliamentary credibility and accountability, and assisting legislators in realizing their potential for democratic leadership. The core values of PIC are: credibility, accountability, participation, openness, integrity, non-discrimination and transparency.
The core values of PIC are: credibility, accountability, participation, openness, integrity, non-discrimination and transparency.
he mission of PIC is to assist legislatures in Cambodia in building their capacity as effective democratic institutions, promoting parliamentary credibility and accountability, and assisting legislators in realizing their potential for democratic leadership.
he vision of PIC is to become a national leader and regional partner in democratic development, specializing in the strengthening of representative institutions and parliamentary leadership.