Detail of Information

សំរាលទុក្ខមនុស្សជាតិ ( )

World Relief Cambodia (WRC)

Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector :

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box : 67

Po Box : 126

Phone Number : 023 880 520/023 881 420/023 881 402/012 898 265/01

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number : 410-244-0002

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country : United States of America


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Tuol Kouk

Commune : Boeng Kak Muoy

Village : Ou Thum


World Relief is the humanitarian service arm of the National association of Evangelicals, USA, and its mission is broad: "to work with the church to alleviate human suffering worldwide in the name of Christ". In fulfillment of this mission, World Relief seeks to respond to needs that have been identified by local partners in places of need, and join with them to develop and implement sustainable interventions which address the root caused of poverty, disease, hunger and human oppression. In Cambodia, World Relief has focused this philosophy of partnership, empowerment, and sustainability in the area of poverty alleviation through micro finance services among the poor, and preventative health education for mothers and children, and HIV/AIDS education and home care through local Christian organizations and churches. With its longstanding commitment to disaster response, World Relief also provides emergency assistance to Cambodia's poor in times of flooding and other natural and man-made disasters.


World Relief began responding in the early 1980s to the crucial needs of Cambodia's most vulnerable populations. As part of a war relief effort World Relief participated in the "Land Bridge" operation in the early 1980s sending critically needed relief supplies into areas controlled by Khmer Rouge. World Relief served Cambodians in several regional refugee camps throughout the1980s and early 1990s as well as becoming one of North America's largest resettlement organizations of Cambodian refugees. In 1990 a representative office was established in Phnom Penh and ongoing programs were initiated. Cambodia's neediest woman and their at-risk children are the primary focus of efforts. Currently that 60,000 poor and vulnerable are served each week in the following ongoing programs: Hope Program : for Cambodia's Children is an integrated program providing poor children, ages 5-12, weekly children's program of preventive health education, safety training, school promotion, etc. More than 22,000 children in 156 villages and slum areas in 4 provinces participate each week. Local teens are trained in this approach to continue this work in their own neighborhoods. Another 4,000 teens participate in AIDS awareness and accountability groups. CM Program : The goal of this project is to build the capacity of churches and community groups to reach out to their villages and communities with AIDS education and awareness messages, actively seek to reduce stigma against PLWAs, and to provide home care and assistance to those who suffer from AIDS and to family members affected by AIDS. Sokhapheap Phum Yoeung program: objective to improved home management and appropriate care seeking for common childhood illness. Expand peovision of quality community new boran car.Increase coverage of HIV/AIDS provention for the general population. Intergrate of HIV/ADIS prvention and contraceptive services for improved family health.Expand care group network to majority of ODs in Kampong Cham province, training 13,500 = volunteers, exteding the reach of the health system to every home. Buil the capacity of others to train and work with caregroups. Comminuty Protection of Children program: This project to developed after considering that the people im community are not known about the prevention of all forms of human trafficking in particular woman and child trafficking. So,hence, we decide to establish this project to train chiefs of village, chiefs of commune and staff of partner NGOs to protect their communities from human traffickingg. This project will cover on 5 Provicnes and City includes: Kampong Cham. Kampong Thom, Pursat, Kandal and Phnom Penh.200 staff will receive directly training on human trafficking, child value and safe emigration. 50 chiefs of commune and 150 chiefs of village will be provided training on human trafiicking, child value and safe emigration. 100 families in 13 Districts will receive training on human trafficking, child value and safe emigration. Currently Hope Program : Multi-Sectoral, Integrated program of Mobilizing for Life, Way of Hope, Hope of Cambodia Children, Anti-Trafficking, and Moringa, reach out to adult, teen, children (5-12ys) and community leaders in 5 provinces (Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, and Pursat), with total of 568 villages.


The Example of Jesus as we serve those who are suffering from poverty and injustice, regardless of color, belief, or gender, as part of God’s plan to redeem, reconcile, and restore the world. We seek to follow Jesus by living holy, humble, and honest lives individually and corporately. The Local Church as a primary agent of bringing peace, justice, and love to a broken world. The integrated “word” and “deed” dimensions of God’s mandate, as evidenced through the church’s integral, or transformational, mission are necessary to bringing reconciliation and restoration to God, others, and the environment. People whether staff, volunteers, clients, beneficiaries, donors, and partners, as important actors in bringing peace, love, and justice. We recognize and affirm World Relief as a multicultural organization and seek to understand and respect the multiplicity of cultures among us. As we seek change in the world, we recognize that we, too, are changed, by those we serve. Excellence/Continuous Improvement in all our program initiatives and support services, following best practices and standards in a manner that is sustainable to the community from a spiritual, social, and economic perspective. We also seek to apply our human and financial resources in such ways that maximize impact and sustain benefits to the greatest number of people. Empowerment by prioritizing the leadership and participation of those we serve, whether people, churches, or local institutions, as critical to creating and sustaining change. We seek to catalyze a movement of worldwide volunteers to multiply impact, and we value capacity-building as a means towards that end. Partnership by seeking, facilitating, and promoting collaboration among all stakeholders, including local governments, the worldwide church, mission agencies, other NGO’s, and the business community, recognizing partnership as essential to serving the most vulnerable. We believe each expression of the worldwide Church has a unique and interdependent role in bringing peace and justice to the world. Prayer as the priority and foundational to accomplishing our mission.


Empowering the local Church to serve the most vulnerable.


In community with the local Church, World Relief envisions the most vulnerable people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually.


To help Cambodia’s poor and vulnerable become healthy and transformed individuals who are agents of positive change so that their families, communities and country are in turn strengthened and transformed. WRC accomplishes this by providing and integrated