Detail of Information

សហជីពឥណទាន មូលនិធិអូស្ត្រាលី ( )
Credit Union Foundation Australia (CUFA)
Type : Foreign NGOs
Gpp : Certificate
Sector : Community DevelopmentEducationPublic Financial ManagementPlanning and Poverty reductionGender
Contact Information
Director/Country director : Ms. Rany Teng
Ccc Box :
Po Box : 1016, Sydney, NSW,
Phone Number : 023 210 264
Email Address :
Head Quarter Phone Number : (+61) 1300 490 467
Head Quarter Website :
Head Quarter Email :
Head Quarter Address : Suite 704A, 275 Alfred Street, North Sydney NSW 20
Head Quarter Country : Australia
Our story begins in 1971 when a small group of dedicated Australian bankers came together to make a difference to their neighbors in Asia, the Pacific Islands and Australia. Witnessing the lack of effectiveness of charity handouts, they decided that to create real and lasting change in poor communities, a different approach would be needed. The group were long-time veterans in the banking world and so had lived and breathed the potential for financial institutions to shape society – yet the model they used was one that has seen a shift towards inequality dating back to the 19th century.
Resilient, collaborative, respectful, and inclusive.
We embrace a 3-pillar approach of:
- Earn: through microenterprise and livelihood programs.
- Save: through Financial Literacy.
- Invest: through access to digital tools and diverse finance sources.
For communities to be resilient and self-support across the Asia-Pacific region.