Detail of Information

វិទ្យាស្ថានតស៊ូមតិនិងគោលនយោបាយ ( )
Advocacy and Policy Institute Organization (API)
Type : Local NGOs
Gpp : Never
Sector : Decentralization and De-concentrationPublic Administrative ReformPublic Financial Management
Contact Information
Director/Country director : Mr. Lam Socheat
Ccc Box : 8
Po Box :
Phone Number : 023 213 486 / 012 527 004
Email Address :
Website :
Head Quarter Phone Number :
Head Quarter Website :
Head Quarter Email :
Head Quarter Address :
Head Quarter Country :
In early 2002, Pact Cambodia, under guidance from an Advocacy Advisory Committee (AAC) composed of representatives from nine Cambodian and international NGOs initiated research into advocacy campaigns conducted in Cambodia from 1997 to 2001. This research highlighted the pressing need for Cambodian civil society to increase their advocacy skills and to create stronger relationships with Government. To respond to this need the Advocacy and Policy Program (APP) was established in July 2003. Since its formation the APP was housed with Pact Cambodia, an international NGO with its headquarters based in Washington D.C, USA. The goal of the AAC however had always been for the APP to ultimately localize and become a sustainable and independent Cambodian organization. On May 24th, 2007, APP made an important step in this localization process by adopting its new name, the Advocacy and Policy Institute (API) in order to reflect its fledgling independent identity. A further important step was taken on July 17th, 2007, when API officially registered with the Royal Government of Cambodia's (RGC) Ministry of Interior as a non-profit, non-governmental organization. Since July 2003, API has established itself as one of the leading advocacy capacity building institutions in Cambodia. Please see more of its accomplishments.In early 2002, Pact Cambodia, under guidance from an Advocacy Advisory Committee (AAC) composed of representatives from nine Cambodian and international NGOs initiated research into advocacy campaigns conducted in Cambodia from 1997 to 2001. This research highlighted the pressing need for Cambodian civil society to increase their advocacy skills and to create stronger relationships with Government. To respond to this need the Advocacy and Policy Program (APP) was established in July 2003. Since its formation the APP was housed with Pact Cambodia, an international NGO with its headquarters based in Washington D.C, USA. The goal of the AAC however had always been for the APP to ultimately localize and become a sustainable and independent Cambodian organization. On May 24th, 2007, APP made an important step in this localization process by adopting its new name, the Advocacy and Policy Institute (API) in order to reflect its fledgling independent identity. A further important step was taken on July 17th, 2007, when API officially registered with the Royal Government of Cambodia's (RGC) Ministry of Interior as a non-profit, non-governmental organization. Since July 2003, API has established itself as one of the leading advocacy capacity building institutions in Cambodia. Please see more of its accomplishments.
1-All Cambodians have the right to participate, mobilise and express themselves in matters that affect their daily lives. 2-All matters should be resolved peacefully and justly according to the principles of our shared humanity. 3-Building capacity, particularly at the community level, is the most sustainable way of building a brighter future for all Cambodians. 4-Engaging with all social sectors ensures that when solutions are reached, they are of greatest benefit to the community. 5-Being transparent, accountable, independent, and non-partisan helps build an organisation that has the respect and confidence of both the 6-Cambodian people and its international supporters.
The organisation’s mission is to serve the long term democratic and social development needs of Cambodia through the empowerment of people to interact with their government to protect their rights and provide for their needs. API is committed to working together with all national and international institutions who share its values to advocate for positive and peaceful social change. API also seeks to encourage coordination among governments, citizens and the private sector.
The Advocacy and Policy Institute’s vision is for a Cambodian nation that through poverty reduction and the protection of human rights creates a national culture of harmony with sustainable democratic, political, and economic stability.
The organisation's goal is to increase Cambodia’s democratic space by creating more effective advocates and responsive government institutions.