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បណ្តាញពង្រឹងសមត្ថភាពអង្គការស្រុក ( ប.ព.ស.អ.ស )
Cambodian NGO Capacity Building Network (CNCBN)
Type : Local NGOs
Gpp : Never
Sector :
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The NGO Forum on Cambodia was established in the early 1980s by international NGOs campaigning for an end to the aid embargo that was imposed on Cambodia at that time. Following the full restoration of development aid in 1993, NGO Forum began to work on a broader range of issues, such as an international ban on land mines, the creation of a permanent tribunal for crimes against humanity, and concerns about the impacts of development aid. An international Steering Committee was retained until 1996, after which a local Management Committee became the chief decision-making body. From 1997 Cambodians were actively involved in NGO Forum, with meetings held predominately in Khmer and with Cambodians playing the dominant role in NGO Forum activities. It has had full Cambodian leadership since 2006. Rapid growth and new issues NGO Forum expanded its staff to meet the expectations of member organisations, with rapid growth starting in 2006. It began to strengthen cooperation with provincial NGOs and to help NGOs build advocacy-linkages from the grassroots to the national level. Priorities have changed over time: In 2004–2005 a new project aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of NGO advocacy on land issues was initiated. Other projects facilitated NGO networks working on Gender, Trade and Economic Development, Environmental Awareness, Pesticides Reduction, Mekong Basin Community Rights, Resettlement and Forest Livelihoods. Later in 2004, a network of NGOs working together on indigenous minority land rights asked to come under the NGO Forum umbrella, leading to a new project under the Land and Livelihoods Programme. In 2005, Oxfam GB took over capacity building of the Forest Livelihoods network, but NGO Forum continued its forest rights advocacy, especially in protecting the rights of communities whose livelihoods have been negatively impacted by industrial tree plantations. NGO Forum developed three programmes: Development Issues Programme, Environment Programme and Land and Livelihoods Programme. Each encompasses three to five projects. The Core Programme was established to support the implementation of sectoral programmes by to ensure effective functioning of the NGO Forum and representation of its members. From 2006, issues dealt with included the environment, the campaign against landmines, the impact of development banks, women's rights, the growth of civil society and democracy, the strengthening of advocacy skills, and the need for policy makers to have easy access to information about Cambodia. The Land Information Centre (LIC) was established in 2006 to provide evidence-based advocacy for the Land and Livelihoods Programme. It was renamed Resource and Information Centre (RIC) in 2011. Changes in the Action Plan 2012–2014 included a new focus on climate change. To reduce or avoid membership and meeting overlaps, NGO Forum merged some networks. The Research and Information Centre expanded its support from the Land and Livelihoods Programme to include the Environment Programme. NGO Forum on Cambodia works to improve life for poor and vulnerable people in Cambodia. It is a membership organisation that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy. The goal of NGO Forum is that the rights of the poor and vulnerable are recognized and supported by the policies and practices of Cambodia’s government and development partners, and the wider community.
-Human rights and justice – All of our work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people, and the rights that follow from this understanding. -Transparency and accountability – NGO Forum both provides and expects to access clear, accurate and up-to-date information. We are willing to hold ourselves to high standards and seek to hold others to similar standards as the ones we set for ourselves. -Sustainability – NGO Forum is committed to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. By empowering members, our networks and the communities they serve, we believe that the benefits of our work will be enduring. -Cooperation and partnership – We respect the wishes and requirements of our members and networks – and the communities they serve – and we endeavour to create a shared voice, working together in a manner that enables us to achieve our shared goals and live our shared values.Peace – NGO Forum recognises that peace is about more than the absence of conflict. NGO Forum strives for concord, harmony and tranquillity – a balance of power. -Equity – NGO Forum shares it own resources fairly and wants to see that the natural and intellectual wealth of Cambodia is also distributed fairly, so that everyone is able to gain their share. We know that the success of development can be measured by how the least powerful people and the smallest minority groups are faring.
NGO Forum’s mission is to coordinate and resource members and networks of NGOs in engaging in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy with and for poor and vulnerable people in Cambodia.
NGO Forum’s vision is that well-informed citizens and civil society organisations in Cambodia positively influence pro-poor, equitable and sustainable development, supported by a transparent and accountable government.
NGO Forum’s overall goal is to ensure that citizens and civil society organisations are well-equipped to contribute and influence policy making and implementation processes for the benefit of poor and vulnerable people of Cambodia.