Detail of Information

វឌ្ឍនៈភាព ( )

Wpathnakpheap Organization (WP)

Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector :

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box :

Po Box :

Phone Number : 023 447 217/012 501 961

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number :

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country :


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Chamkar Mon

Commune : Boeng Trabaek

Village : Ou Thum


Wathnakpheap is a local NGO, registered in 1997 with the Ministry of Interior. WP originally operated as part of of Switzerland-based International NGO Stiftung Kinderorf Pestalozzi (also known as Pestalozzi Children Village’s Foundation (SKIP). SKIP was running a Community Development Project and Child Rehabilitation and Development Project from 1993 to 1996 in Pursat province. Wathnakpheap (WP) became independent from SKIP in 2002 and became a local NGO. WP’s headquarters is based in Phnom Penh and operates its programs in the six provinces of Pursat, Svay Rieng, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom and Kratie. These provinces have an unusually high poverty rate and migration patterns therefore programs focus on risk prevention and community-based alternative rehabilitation for children and youth at high risk of trafficking for labor exploitation. Every year, children, young people and their families benefit from these projects. In 2003, three of WP’s former projects in Pursat Province were successfully localized and become independent NGOs from Wathnakpheap. These localized NGOs are Anakut Kumar (AK), Kumar Ney Kdey Sangkheum (KNKS) and Ponleu Kumar (PK). WP has significant experience in community development, particularly in the areas of: rural development, community based child development, trafficking prevention, repatriation and rehabilitation formal and non formal education vocational training, income generation activities small enterprise development, and good governance Civic Engagement


TitleFirst NameLast NameSexPositionTelephoneEmail
Ms.HengChanthonFemaleDirector012 501
Mr.SengVorkMaleProject Manager017 395
Ms.NuonSotheaFemaleFinance Officer012 607
Ms.DuongSopheapFemaleProject Account078 878
Mr.KouchDimaMaleProject Account-ECCD016
Mr.EangSovannaraMaleM & E Officer012 423
Ms.PromVannaFemaleProgram Coordinator012 954
Ms.LySophannaFemaleAdministrator089 857
Ms.PhengSophannaFemaleIGA Officer016 200
Mr.ChhengDikhoMaleIT volunteer089 745