Detail of Information

មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលជីវិតរស់នៅដោយឯករាជ្យ ( )

Phnom Penh Center for Interpendent Living (PPCIL)

Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector :

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box :

Po Box :

Phone Number : 023 6329 214/077 500 706/023 866 348/012 873 086

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number :

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country :


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Pur SenChey

Commune : Kakab

Village : Ou Thum


The Phnom Penh Center for Independent Living (PPCIL) is a Phnom Penh based, Cambodian, non-governmental organization established in 2009 which was founded by Cambodians with disabilities led by Mr. Mey Samith who completed the training program named Duskin Leadership Training in Japan; a Program for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific Region, in 2007. Samith wanted to share what he had learned in Japan with his friends and so established the first Independent Living Center in Cambodia. On March 16, 2009, the Independent Living Working Group (ILWG) held the first IL seminar in Phnom Penh, Cambodia at the Sunway Hotel with H.E Sem Sokha Secretary of State of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth and Rehabilitation (MoSVY) serving as President and 130 participants with disabilities coming from different cities and provinces to participate. The ILWG also invited representatives of CILs from other countries, such as the Kathmandu-CIL, and this first IL seminar was supported by three CILs from Japan. PPCIL was officially registered at the Ministry of Interior of the Royal Government of Cambodia on September 23, 2009. PPCIL promotes a rights based approach to disability and development aimed at empowering disabled persons through the independent living movement. Initially, PPCIL began activities working with people with disabilities in Phnom Penh City and two other provinces (Phnom Penh, Kandal and Kampong Speu). We hope to spread and expand the independent living concept to promote a human rights approach to development. We believe that the most effective way to bring about lasting social change that promotes equal opportunities for disabled people is through the IL movement.


Justice – We will work to promote and safeguard the integrity of the disabled. We will advocate for their rights and when they are violated we are committed to providing support. Respect – We regard all of our employees, the disabled whom we serve, donors, supporting organizations and the wider community with honor and dignity and without discrimination. Dignity – All persons within the organization or receiving resources or services from the organization should be treated fairly and with unconditional respect, regardless of their station. Integrity– We are committed to operating transparently in all of our dealings with the public, donors, partners, beneficiaries, and other interested parties. Our basic financial information, governance structure, activities, and partnerships shall be open and accessible to public scrutiny in an effort to eliminate corruption and misappropriation of resources. Accountability – We are completely accountable to the disabled population whom we aim to serve, to our funding agencies, employees, volunteers, members, partner organizations, and the public at large for all our actions and decisions.


To empower people with severe disabilities to live independently by providing basic education and vocational training and assisting in identifying housing units and employment opportunities with access for the disabled. We will advocate for the disabled to ensure that they receive all of the benefits, rights and accommodations due to them under the laws of Cambodia. For those with severe disabilities we will provide the necessary assistive devices as well as a personal assistant and peer counseling service, in order to encourage them to live independently in the community.


People with severe disabilities have a fundamental right to live with dignity and equal rights in order to utilize their abilities to the maximum and to fully participate in society.


We will provide to the disabled the training, equipment, encouragement and assistance required to allow them to live independently. We will demonstrate to society the abilities of the disabled and how the disabled can contribute to the betterment of us all.