Detail of Information
Contact Information
Director/Country director :
Ccc Box :
Po Box : 2320
Phone Number : 012 982 365
Email Address :
Head Quarter Phone Number : +61 48432-7795
Head Quarter Website :
Head Quarter Email :
Head Quarter Address : 18 Craddock Rd Tuross Head 2537 N.S.W. Australia
Head Quarter Country : Australia
The aim of Mission Cambodia is to empower the Khmer people to reach their nation for Christ. To share the love of God, through Jesus Christ and His death for our sins, His resurrection and the provision of eternal life by believing in Him. To proclaim Christ where He has not been known in Cambodia. This is being done in the Stueng Trong district of the Kompong Cham province which is three hours north of Phnom Penh on the Mekong River. In Buddhist and Muslim communities on either side of the river. By planting house churches and medical clinics. By demonstrating Christ’s love and compassion for the people of Cambodia. To provide for the poor through the building of houses and rice distribution. ABOUT MISSION CAMBODIA Mission Cambodia was pioneered by two Australian men, Rick Bristow and Tim Bradley and their Khmer friend Sarun Koy. They first began by providing the funds and building an Ecofarm in 2001 for Awareness Cambodia, at their orphanage “Sunshine House” in the Kompong Spue district. In 2002 Mission Cambodia were led by the Lord to rent a Mission house in Stueng Trong. It was to provide a meeting place for believers of Jesus Christ. Soon a weekly medical clinic was established for the local people. Mission Cambodia provided funds for the operation of a medical clinic. A Khmer doctor and Khmer staff operate a mobile dispensary and it aims to raise the standard of healthcare in the immediate area.