Detail of Information

អង្គការគម្រោងកាម៉ូណូហាស៊ិ ( កាម៉ូ )


Type : International NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector :

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box :

Po Box :

Phone Number : 063 967 896

Email Address :

Website :

Head Quarter Phone Number : Tel: +81-(0)3-6277-2419

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address : 2F Nanpeidai Sibuya Village 31-8 Sakuragaoka, Sibuya, Tokyo, Japan

Head Quarter Country : Japan


Province : Siemreap

District : Siem Reab

Commune : Kouk Chak

Village : Ou Thum


Kamonohashi Project is a Japanese Non-Profit Organization created in 2002, with the aims to prevent and eliminate all forms of human trafficking and labor exploitation of children and commercially sexually exploitation of children (CSEC) problem against vulnerable people in Cambodia. Kamonohashi Project is committed to poverty reduction which is a main cause of Human trafficking and CSEC problem by providing a marketable vocational training and job opportunity to needy Cambodia households in rural areas in order for them to increase their income in supporting their family and avoid any risk to be trafficked into the worst form of labor on the way to migration out as they do not have any job opportunity in their place.


Ms.Murata Sayaka, come to visited Asia during the summer of her second year at university, she went on a study tour with an NGO and met a little girl who was living on her own who has AIDS, inherited at birth from her mother, because her mother coming from a poor family and has been sold to brothel where she contracted AIDS. Upon Ms.Sayaka return to Japan, She with her colleagues, decide to start helping to bring and end to this situation by starting operating PC School project since 2004 and since 2006 Kamonohashi has established the Community Factory Project business model in small village in Kchass commune, Soth Nikom District in Siem Reap province, where young girls and women are learning handicrafts manufacturing in Kak, Rumcheck and Water hyacinth by giving them the possibility to earn a stable income and help their family, is a most effective way to reduce poverty, which is the main root of sexual exploitation risks that many children and young girls are still facing today in Cambodia.




the mission is to provide the handicraft training and life skills in order to let the vulnerable villagers be independent through sustainable employment in community factories. We also strive to work with other experienced partners to get the best results.


The project aims to reduce poverty levels, and prevent commercial sexual exploitation and human trafficking in the country.




TitleFirst NameLast NameSexPositionTelephoneEmail
Mr.AOKIKENTAMaleCountry Representative/Co-Founder(855) 92
Mr.OUKOnnMaleHead of Human Resource Department(855) 92 716 886/ 15 716
Ms.Suong VuthikFemaleHead of Production Department(855) 11 969
Miss.KameyamaNanakoFemaleHead of Social Empowerment Department(855) 77 642
Miss.YokoyamaYuriFemaleHead of Sale & Marketing Department(855) 16 466
Mrs.KhievSopheapFemaleActing Finance & Admin Department(855) 832