Detail of Information

Contact Information
Director/Country director :
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Phone Number : 023 213 724/012 489 628
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Head Quarter Phone Number :
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The Eye Care Foundation has been supporting eye care in Cambodia since 1997. The aid focuses on people with a socio economic disadvantage. The objective is to setting a comprehensive eye care system in every provincial hospital. Eye care is provided throughout the province from these hospitals. The Eye Care Foundation Works together with the National Eye Health Program (NEHP), which is part of the Ministry of Health. De NEHP is supported by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Eye Care Foundation helps to prevent and cure blindness and visual impairment in developing countries. It is also our duty to inform the public about the issues related to eye care in developing countries and the distressing conditions in which many people with eye disorders live there.
Eye Care Foundation follows the guidelines of Vision 2020, the right to sight. This is the international initiative against avoidable blindness and visual impairment launched by the WHO (World Healt Organization) and the IAPB (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness) with an international membership of NGOs, professional associations, eye care institutions and corporations. The many successes of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight have been achieved through a unique, cross-sector collaboration, which enables public, private and non-profit interests to work together, helping people to see, all over the world. Visit for more information. Consultation regularly takes place with the Dutch branch of VISION 2020. The Cooperating Eye Funds working group is included in the aforementioned organisation.
-Donation of necessary equipment and realisation of new building activities -Eye operations for the prevention or treatment of blindness -Eye camps are organized to reach people in remote areas -Training of village health workers and volunteers on basic eye care -Additional training for ophthalmologists and eye care staff -Raising awareness in early detection and treatment of eye disorders -Support Ophthalmology Residency Training in University of Health Science in Phnom Penh