Detail of Information

កុមារអាស៊ី ( )

Enfants d'Asie Aspeca (ASPECA)

Type : International NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector : Early Child Care and DevelopmentEducation

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box :

Po Box :

Phone Number : 023 219 054/016 880 135/097 954 0021

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number : +33 (0) 1 47 00 19 00

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address : Children of Asia 18, rue Pierre Levée 75011 Paris - France

Head Quarter Country :


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Chamkar Mon

Commune : Boeng Keng Kang Bei

Village :


A non political, non confessional French organization which, through sponsorship and other means of educational support, support poor children from South East Asia to attend school to improve their knowledge and get a better educational background to start a professional life in their future. EdM is active in France, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. Enfants du Mékong action is mostly dedicated to the educational support of the children through a sponsorship or scholarship. The NGO thinks that the individual improvement of the children living conditions and the economic development of Cambodia cannot go without a strong education of the children and an adequate standard of living. Support children from poor families to help them to study as long as possible thanks to sponsorship programs; Support to the children to attend school, from primary school to university; boardinghouses for children from remote areas; daily complementary training in our EdM educational Centers in Sisophon and Phnom Penh; improvement of the children’s environment; support to families in their daily life; construction of schools (mostly colleges) in remote areas;… Education and support for girls are a priority, also for orphans, disabled children The sponsorship and our help to a family are always bounded to a student who has to attend school regularly. If he leaves the school and the education system, he is not anymore eligible for a sponsorship.


A non political, non confessional French organization which, through sponsorship and other means of educational support, support poor children from South East Asia to attend school to improve their knowledge and get a better educational background to start a professional life in their future. EdM is active in France, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. Enfants du Mékong action is mostly dedicated to the educational support of the children through a sponsorship or scholarship. The NGO thinks that the individual improvement of the children living conditions and the economic development of Cambodia cannot go without a strong education of the children and an adequate standard of living. Support children from poor families to help them to study as long as possible thanks to sponsorship programs; Support to the children to attend school, from primary school to university; boardinghouses for children from remote areas; daily complementary training in our EdM educational Centers in Sisophon and Phnom Penh; improvement of the children’s environment; support to families in their daily life; construction of schools (mostly colleges) in remote areas;… Education and support for girls are a priority, also for orphans, disabled children The sponsorship and our help to a family are always bounded to a student who has to attend school regularly. If he leaves the school and the education system, he is not anymore eligible for a sponsorship.






