Contact Information

Director/Country director : Mr. Anders Myrene

Ccc Box : 223

Po Box :

Phone Number : 017 336 613

Email Address :

Website :

Head Quarter Phone Number :

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country : Norway


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Chamkar Mon

Commune : Tuol Tumpung Muoy

Village :


The Mission Alliance is a standalone and diaconal mission organization, which conducts extensive work among poor and marginalized people in Asia, South America and Africa. We have fought poverty, promoted justice and shared faith for over 100 years.

By being close, skilled and courageous, wells are built to provide people with vital water. Education is made available to everyone, regardless of the challenge or disability. Climate challenges are taken seriously so that farmers get the knowledge they need to live off the patch they have. Micro-loans are granted so that the very poor can create their own businesses, and do not have to work under inhumane conditions. In addition, we work for a vibrant church life.

Work is being done closely with the people living in each project area. They define the needs themselves, and they are the ones who both plan and execute the projects. The mission alliance provides professional and financial support, and in addition, we work with local authorities and organizations to equip the vulnerable to run the work themselves in the long term. In this way, ownership and sense of responsibility are created, so that the development projects live long and benefit many vulnerable people.

The mission alliance's work in Norway is based on the voluntary initiative and commitment of individuals and groups. The organization's loose structure is chosen based on a goal of flexibility, freedom and a diverse commitment. Youth is a priority target group.

The work is run with the support of donors and supporters in Norway. We also receive support from the Norwegian state through NORAD. The mission alliance emphasizes low administrative costs and efficient operations, so that the largest possible part of the money will be transferred directly to the projects.