Detail of Information

មូលនិធិម៉េងលី ជេគួច ( )

Mengly J. Quach Foundation (MJQF)

Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector : Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDSAgriculture and WaterFood Security and NutritionEducationHealthPrivate Sector DevelopmentPartnership and Harmonization

Contact Information

Director/Country director : Oknha Dr. Quach Meng Ly

Ccc Box : 413

Po Box :

Phone Number : 023 223 295

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number :

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country :


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Chamkar Mon

Commune : Tumnob Tuek

Village :


Cambodian Institute of Child and Adolescent Health (CICAH) is a local non-governmental organization that aims to provide health-related information and services to underprivileged youth, children and mothers in Phnom Penh. The organization was established under the initiative of HE Oknha Dr. Menly J. Quach in 2004 to promote education amongst many disadvantaged children through scholarships. Since its establishment, Cambodian Institute of Child and Adolescent Health (CICAH) has been developed with clear goals and objectives in order to help improve the health of children in Cambodia. Many programs are designed with a purpose to collaborate and build strong alliance with other schools and local NGOs that are active in the health sector.

Its main goal is to advocate and provide services that help eradicate life-threatening diseases, such as promoting healthy lifestyle, and developing the spirit of valuing and optimizing youth for potential, health and wellbeing. Furthering promotion and encouragement of education and the rights to access resources make these disadvantaged youths develop their knowledge better, with a great progress leading to a healthy growth.

In order to ensure its activities are more successful, at the end of year 2012, CICAH planned and outlined a clearer objective and mission perspectives until the beginning of 2013, CICAH has since been re-branded to Mengly J. Quach Foundation. In 2013, Mengly J. Quach Foundation officially became a registered organization in the Ministry of Interior with registration number 971, dated June 6, 2013.

With the annual support from MJQE, the Foundation is able to carry out the following programs: Food Banking, Dr. Quach Mobile Medical Clinic, Blood Banking, Mobile Library, Public School Construction Project, Natural Disaster Relief Program, Oknha Dr. Mengly J. Quach Scholarship, Community and Health Service Project (under CICAH), The Mengly J. Quach Prize and Bikes for Education to improve community development, health and education. MJQE staff and students help initiate activities and events to enhance and support the foundation in order to help raise funds and other in-kind donations for the implementation of the eleven major projects.  The CSR activities that we conduct are aligned with NGOs which are governed by the Ministry of Interior (MoI).


1. We are Unity
2. We are Steward
3. We are Committed to the vulnerable or low income families
4. We are Responsive


We are contributing to a peaceful and harmonious Cambodian society through the provision of access to basic necessities and opportunities to the most vulnerable and underprivileged society.


We envision a better Cambodian society where most vulnerable and underprivileged population has proper and equal access to education, healthcare, food and other basic necessities for a better living and preserved human dignity and values.


  • To improve school facilities and surroundings to ensure safe and comfortable educational environment for primary and junior high schools students.
  • To contribute in improving health facilities for strengthening the quality of health services and accessibility of vulnerable society.
  • To provide resource in mobilization and infrastructure development for vulnerable people and families to gain protection and improve the living standards in their community.
  • To provide support to family and community faced with poverty in coping with disaster and livelihood resilience.