Detail of Information

សកម្មលើពិការភាពនិងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ ( )

Action on Disablility and Development (ADD)

Type : International NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector : Disability and Rehabilitation

Contact Information

Director/Country director : Mr. Srey Vanthon

Ccc Box : 82

Po Box : 1123

Phone Number : 023 216 917 / 012 489 418

Email Address :

Website :

Head Quarter Phone Number :

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address : Vallis House, 57 Vallis

Head Quarter Country :


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Tuol Kouk

Commune : Boeng Kak Pir

Village :


ADD is a non-governmental organization working to support the vibrant disability movement in the country. We are working directly with self-help groups in Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Chharn, Pursat, Kandal, Prey Veng, Takeo and Kampot provinces and others provinces through DPOs, where they are struggling to demand human fundamental rights and access to equal opportunities of disabled people. ADD works in partnership with a network of other organizations of disabled people to help them in their campaigning for the rightful inclusion of disabled adults and children in society. The aim of ADD is to see organizations, of disabled people democratically formed (by elections), represent the voices of all other disabled people and work to demand the rights for their members. By facilitating the steady development of disabled people's organizations at grassroots and national levels, ADD wishes to encourage vigorous mass movement. ADD believes that people have the same fundamental rights to determine their future and control decisions that affect their lives, and that all people have the same rights to enough food, home, relationships, health care, education, safety, livelihood and the inclusive movement of disabled people in society.


ADD Cambodia Program was established in 1995 and is headquartered in Phnom Penh. The Program currently provides technical and financial supports to 28 partners Organizations of Disabled Peoples (DPO) that work with 650 shelf-help Groups of disabled people in 653 villages of 97 communes, in 12 provinces comprising of 8,382 disabled members. The program also works directly with 102 self-help groups comprising of 1,532 disabled members in 74 villages of 10 communes of 7 provinces, including Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Pursat, Kandal, Prey Veng, Takeo and Kampot provinces. ADD supports disabled people through its work, starting with the process of introductions of local authorities and primary surveys of potential villages designed to identify disabled people living there and understand the context of particular villages. This is known as "Situation Analysis". To identify potential for ADD to work in villages, ADD Development Workers engage in an extensive one-to-one exercise with individual disabled people and their families, getting to understand what particular problems they face in order to build up a relationship and confidence and assist them in addressing these to show that change is possible. This process is known as "Case Study". Once this is achieved, ADD then helps disabled people to think of the wider social issues facing them such as attitudinal, environmental and institutional discrimination and prejudice and encourage them to think about these issues in a substantial way like the creation of Shelf- Help Groups. This is called "Group Formation". ADD helps these groups to identify, prioritize and address their local issues. The joining of Shelf-Help Group's forces has recently been seen through the creation of Shelf-Help Group's Federation at commune level. ADD Development Workers give technical supports, training and advice to Agents, Federation and Female Disabled people's Forum so as to make their work even more firm and sustainable.




Mission of ADD Cambodia is to support the 'development rights movement formed by self-groups, district federation and a national disable people's organization, that influence national and local policy and practice to end poverty and social exclusion


Cambodian disable citizen are protected by the rule of law like other non disabled people and they are engaged for socially inclusive activities as a result of having an active Disability Movement that links from village to the nation level.




TitleFirst NameLast NameSexPositionTelephoneEmail
Mr.KongSopheapMaleCountry Representative017 338