Detail of Information

អង្គការអប់រំកុមារ នឹងយុវជន ( អ​. អ. ក. យ )

Child and Youth Education Organization (CYEO)

Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector : Education and Training

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box : 26

Po Box :

Phone Number : 023 665 577 7/012 997 654

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number : NULL

Head Quarter Website : NULL

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country : Cambodia


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Chamkar Mon

Commune : Oulampik

Village :


Buddhism has entered the Cambodian society since 3rd B.C. The Theories of Buddhism have contributed many values to the Cambodian society such as Loving-Kindness, Compassion, Non-violence, Democratic Principles, Promoting Tolerance and Encouraging Participation. Buddhism also promotes learning and self-reflection as well as sharing knowledge. However, many Cambodian Peoples are not aware about the real purpose of the Buddhism to serve both benefits for all living beings, short and long term benefits and finally relieve from all kinds of suffering. Some Cambodian people start learning the Theories of Buddhism after their retirement from their active lives. In this context, it is too late in adopting and utilizing the Theories of Buddhism for improving their quality of lives. As a result, the Theories of Buddhism are still considered as the beliefs rather than practical guidance for socio-economic, political, and environmental developments in Cambodia.


CYEO is a nongovernmental organization that is apolitical, does not serve the interests of any political party, [acts with] racial and religious tolerance and does not seek [to make] any private profits. In this context, a group of Cambodian Buddhist monks has realized the importance of introducing and penetrating the Theories of Buddhism to Buddhist followers and all human beings in the societies, particularly, our target groups children and youth those who will become the main engine or active players in society in the coming generation. Therefore, Child and Youth Education Organization (CYEO) was established on December 21, 2009 and has been registered with the Ministry of Interior, Royal Government of Cambodia on February 11, 2010 and registered with the Ministry of Cult and Religions on July 08, 2010 with the recognition and endorsement from the Supreme Patriarch of the Kingdom of Cambodia.


CYEO is a nongovernmental organization that is apolitical, does not serve the interests of any political party, [acts with] racial and religious tolerance and does not seek [to make] any private profits. In this context, a group of Cambodian Buddhist monks has realized the importance of introducing and penetrating the Theories of Buddhism to Buddhist followers and all human beings in the societies, particularly, our target groups children and youth those who will become the main engine or active players in society in the coming generation. Therefore, Child and Youth Education Organization (CYEO) was established on December 21, 2009 and has been registered with the Ministry of Interior, Royal Government of Cambodia on February 11, 2010 and registered with the Ministry of Cult and Religions on July 08, 2010 with the recognition and endorsement from the Supreme Patriarch of the Kingdom of Cambodia. -Management teams are Buddhist monks who have sufficient competenciesin terms of soft skills such as Virtues, Moralities, Integrity, Self Discipline, honesty, accountability, Willingness, commitment and Hard skills Such as High education, Major inBuddhist Philosophy withinthecountryand abroad,skillsand experiences. - Organization has built good network and cooperation with local authorities,Buddhist monks andtarget groups, - Khmer society dominated by Buddhism.


To promote social morality, rights, freedom, dignity, welfare, equal opportunities to achieve general and technical knowledge, skills for children and youth and encouraging them to take part in social development and livewith harmonization.


Cambodian children and youth live with morality, rights, freedom and full support from society for their potentials development without any discrimination and exploitation


For long-standing goals, particularly within a five-year future plan, CYEO will provide the youth and children as a target group with knowledge about morality, the arts, religions, customs and traditions, rights, freedom, healthcare and welfare, knowledge