Detail of Information

ទស្សនៈពីភពលោក ( ទស្សនៈពីភពលោក )


Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector :

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box : 68

Po Box : 479

Phone Number : 023 216 052/217 923

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number : Office: +66-2-3916155; +66-2-3818861

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country : Thailand


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Chamkar Mon

Commune : Tonle Basak

Village : Ou Thum


World Vision's ministry focuses on improving the lives of the poorest children and their families in Cambodia. We partner with children and youth, their families and communities, across all faiths, religions, gender, ethnicities and political associations. We aim to empower our staff and the communities we serve to take part in building a better future for Cambodian children. This future includes the "fullness of life" and the will to carry out the work that transforms community members, making families stronger and more resilient to economic uncertainties. Through a holistic and integrated approach we are able to achieve our child well-being strategic priorities that focus on improving the nutritional status of children in their first 1000 days of life, primary education that fosters quality learning, children being prevented and protected from abuse and exploitation, and preparing youth to be creative, active citizens, and the leaders of tomorrow.


WV entered Cambodia in 1970 supporting emergency relief and completed a new children’s hospital in 1975 just before the Khmer Rouge’s take-over of the country. WV was among the first international NGOs to re-enter Cambodia after 1979, initially with massive relief and reconstruction assistance. WV’s programs have since been developed through sectoral projects in health and agriculture to a focus on holistic, integrated community development projects at district level (mostly funded through child sponsorship); complemented by a number of strategic sectoral projects at national level in: health & nutrition, education, youth, child protection, economy & agriculture development, water & sanitation, advocacy, and relief assistance. In the last 34 years that WV has been in Cambodia, over US$100 millions have been invested in its programs. WVC’s projects are currently operating in 9 provinces and Phnom Penh.


We are Christian We are committed to the poor We are responsive We value all people We work as partners We are good stewards


World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.


Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness, Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.


WE ARE CHRISTIAN We acknowledge one God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Jesus Christ the love, mercy and grace of God are made known to us and all people. From this overflowing abundance of God's love we find our call to ministry. We proclaim together, "Jesus lived, died, and rose again. Jesus is Lord." We desire him to be central in our individual and corporate life. We seek to follow him -- in his identification with the poor, the powerless, the afflicted, the oppressed, the marginalised; in his special concern for children; in his respect for the dignity bestowed by God on women equally with men; in his challenge to unjust attitudes and systems; in his call to share resources with each other; in his love for all people without discrimination or conditions; in his offer of new life through faith in him. From him we derive our holistic understanding of the gospel of the Kingdom of God, which forms the basis of our response to human need. We hear his call to servanthood and see the example of his life. We commit ourselves to a servant spirit permeating the organisation. We know this means facing honestly our own pride, sin and failure. We bear witness to the redemption offered only through faith in Jesus Christ. The staff we engage are equipped by belief and practice to bear this witness. We will maintain our identity as Christian, while being sensitive to the diverse contexts in which we express that identity. WE ARE COMMITTED TO THE POOR We are called to serve the neediest people of the earth; to relieve their suffering and to promote the transformation of their condition of life. We stand in solidarity in a common search for justice. We seek to understand the situation of the poor and work alongside them towards fullness of life. We share our discovery of eternal hope in JesusChrist. We seek to facilitate an engagement between the poor and the affluent that opens both to transformation. We respect the poor as active participants, not passive recipients, in this relationship. They are people from whom others may learn and receive, as well as give. The need for transformation is common to all. Together we share a quest for justice, peace, reconciliation and healing in a broken world. WE VALUE PEOPLE We regard all people as created and loved by God. We give priority to people before money, structure, systems and other institutional machinery. We act in ways that respect the dignity, uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every person -- the poor, the donors, our staff and their families, boards and volunteers. We celebrate the richness of diversity in human personality, culture and contribution. We practice a participative, open, enabling style in working relationships. We encourage the professional, personal and spiritual development of our staff. WE ARE STEWARDS The resources at our disposal are not our own. They are a sacred trust from God through donors on behalf of the poor. We are faithful to the purpose for which those resources are given and manage them in a manner that brings maximum benefit to the poor. We speak and act honestly. We are open and factual in our dealings with donor constituencies, project communities, governments, the public at large and with each other. We endeavor to convey a public image conforming to reality. We strive for consistency between what we say and what we do. We demand of ourselves high standards of professional competence and accept the need to be accountable through appropriate structures for achieving these standards. We share our experience and knowledge with others where it can assist them. We are stewards of God's creation. We care for the earth and act in ways that will restore and protect the environment. We ensure that our development activities are ecologically sound. WE ARE PARTNERS We are members of an international World Vision Partnership that transcends legal, structural and cultural boundaries. We accept the obligations of joint participation, shared goals and mutual accountability that true partnership requires. We affirm our inter-dependence and our willingness to yield autonomy as necessary for the common good. We commit ourselves to know, understand and love each other. We are partners with the poor and with donors in a shared ministry. We affirm and promote unity in the Body of Christ. We pursue relationship with all churches and desire mutual participation in ministry. We seek to contribute to the holistic mission of the church. We maintain a co-operative stance and a spirit of openness towards other humanitarian organizations. We are willing to receive and consider honest opinions from others about our work. WE ARE RESPONSIVE We are responsive to life-threatening emergencies where our involvement is needed and appropriate. We are willing to take intelligent risks and act quickly. We do this from a foundation of experience and sensitivity to what the situation requires. We also recognize that even in the midst of crisis, the destitute have a contribution to make from their experience. We are responsive in a different sense where deep-seated and often complex economic and social deprivation calls for sustainable, long-term development. We maintain the commitments necessary for this to occur. We are responsive to new and unusual opportunities. We encourage innovation, creativity and flexibility. We maintain an attitude of learning, reflection and discovery in order to grow in understanding and skill. OUR COMMITMENT We recognise that values cannot be legislated; they must be lived. No document can substitute for the attitudes, decisions and actions that make up the fabric of our life and work. Therefore, we covenant with each other, before God, to do our utmost individually and as corporate entities within the World Vision Partnership to uphold these Core Values, to honor them in our decisions, to express them in our relationships and to act consistently with them wherever World Vision is at work.