Detail of Information

ស្រ្តីស្ទឹងត្រែងដើម្បីអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ ( )

Stung Treng Women's Development Center (SWDC)

Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector :

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box :

Po Box :

Phone Number : 012 622 096/012 802 307

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number :

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country :


Province : Stung Treng

District : Stueng Traeng

Commune : Sarh Ruessei

Village : Ou Thum


• Stung Treng Women's Development Centre (SWDC) is a Khmer humanitarian NGO working in the field of development • SWDC seeks to enhance the quality of life and well-being of community and citizen, in self help-activities. Preparation to support oneself and family and a sense of social responsibility to help achieve fairness. • Meets people’s needs to achieve a sustainable livelihood for themselves and their families and through collaboration among those involved, builds a sense of community and cooperation Provides aid without reference to ethnic, political or religious association.


Founded in 2001 by local Cambodian couple Nguon Chantha and Kim Dara Chan, SWDC was originally conceived in 2001 as a hospice called 'Center of Destination'. Registering as an NGO with the Cambodian Ministry of Interior in 2001, the hospice assisted terminally ill and homeless patients in the Stung Treng provincial area infected with HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases. Through the work of the center, it became clear that the effects of poverty and illiteracy played a significant part in the health issues and lifestyle choices made by many of the patients. In January 2002, the 'Center of Destination' changed its target, filtering the hospice patients into other local health services, and opened the Stung Treng Women's Development Center (SWDC), registering with the Ministry of Interior as an NGO. The new mission was to assist in breaking the cycle of poverty and improve living standards by offering programmes in literacy and health education, vocational training and employment. Assistance was initially targeted at illiterate and disabled women as among the most vulnerable members of the community and on the basis that empowering women also improve the life chances of their children, families and the wider community. Obviously men also face the problem of poverty so now SWDC also runs a carpentry training program aimed at them. To provide employment SWDC has chosen to revive the lost art of silk weaving. Silk weaving was once very popular in the region. SWDC offers vocational training in traditional silk weaving and has created the Mekong Blue Silk label. Mekong Blue is making a name for itself as one of finest silk products in Cambodia, several products from Mekong Blue has received awards winner from UNESCO for Seal of Excellence for Handicarf Products in Southeast Asia. It is sold in the onsite gallery shop and to an increasing number of overseas customers. SWDC’s assistance has now grown to benefit a larger range of the community responding to the need for education for women and children and training and employment for the women and men in the Stung Treng Region. Between 2002 -2005 SWDC's assistance has directly benefited over 294 women, 102 children and 25 men. The number of indirect beneficiaries is considerably larger. This number generally equates to the number of persons in the employees or trainees family with also benefits spreading into their immediate village. The benefits of income, training and education contribute to improving the livelihoods and learning for many. Given that the average number of family members in Stung Treng Province is 9 people including the parents, the figures indicated below are an estimate. This leads to a total estimated indirect beneficiaries of 2.025 people. Activities SWDC now offers the following programs: • Employment for weavers, spinners, dyers and seamstresses at the production center for Mekong Blue silk • Employment at the Cafe and Gallery • Vocational Training in Traditional Weaving and Sewing • Vocational Training in Carpentry and Building • Education Program in Literacy and Health • Education Program School Sponsorship A support program in Child Care




Statements of Commitment 1. To improve standards of living and increase opportunities through education programs in health and literacy. 2. To break the cycle of poverty through vocational training in skills that increase employment opportunities and income generation. 3. To provide employment opportunities that pay a liveable wage, encourage personal development and valuable on the job training. 4. To encourage professional competence, ethical practice and quality results through on going training and support activities. 5. To continue to develop appropriate and sustainable programs that improve lives, increase skills and benefit the community. 6. To provide assistance without reference to religious, ethnic or political background.


Statements of Purpose and Commitment Stung Treng Women's Development Centre is a Cambodian based humanitarian NGO. The statement of Purpose is: “Focusing on developing life skills that assist in breaking the cycle of poverty and illiteracy for vulnerable people, especially women, in Stung Treng Province. The projects of SWDC are developed to empower and support, whilst providing knowledge and skills that have a long term benefit”.
