Detail of Information

មេគង្គផ្លាស ( )

Mekong Plus (MPLUS)

Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector :

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box :

Po Box :

Phone Number : 044 690 1050/ 023 21 96 07 / 012 497 248

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number : +84 91 3105 198, +32 495376440

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address : 19/30 Tran Binh Trong,

Head Quarter Country :


Province : Svay Rieng

District : Rumduol

Commune : Kampong Chak

Village : Ou Thum


We work in Vietnam and Cambodia We aim for integrated community development. 3 main keys underlie each action: • Aiming at the poorest, who often do not even have one third of a euro per person per day • Working with a strong involvement of everyone in the community • Leading low cost and sustainable actions. Our actions are varied: micro-credit, agricultural techniques, training of para-veterinarians, protection of the environment and forests, development of the employment and the handicraft, fair trade, theater-action to promote hygiene and to fight against alcoholism, protection of the forest and plantations... The programs cover today about 500 villages, 40 of which are in Cambodia. The direct beneficiaries are every year around 170.000: children of the kindergartens and primary schools; women and peasants; very poor families; quilters... In Belgium and in France, teams of volunteers and sympathizers organize several events every year: cultural or sporty, with movie projections and discussions.


Mekong plus (MPlus) is an international NGO established by one group of Belgian and French volunteers, based in Belgium and France with the regional office in Vietnam, which working in the field of rural community development with the main objective is to reduce the rural poverty. Mekong Plus Cambodia just expanded and implemented the program in Rumdoul, Svay Rieng in the end of 2009, with a few programs, such as agriculture extension, health and sanitation, and employment generation providing to the women living the communities.


We support the activities for community development, based on the precept of Lao- Tu - a Chinese philosopher


We are a social organization. We cooperate with local and international organizations to support the social and economic developments in the local poor communities. - We encourage the poor communities to improve their capacity in solving their own problems. - We strive to raise the living, economic and education standards for the communities, with priorities given to women and children. - We aim to build cohesiveness, unity and mutual support among the communities and achieve sustainable development.


We strive for a society of fairness and equality in which poor people understand the issues that hinder local development and are encouraged to take part and work together to overcome challenges and improve the quality of life of their communities.


Community development and enhancing the capacity and possibilities for poor people to engage in profitable activities