Detail of Information

អង្គការ គាំពារ កុមារខ្មែរ ( )

Caring for Young Khmer (CYK)

Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector : Child Welfare and RightsGender and Women Issues

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box : 28

Po Box : 12

Phone Number : 023 210 849 / 012 845125 / 012 798199

Email Address :

Website :

Head Quarter Phone Number : 03-6803-2015

Head Quarter Website :

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country : Japan


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Chamkar Mon

Commune : Boeng Keng Kang Muoy

Village :


As a non-governmental,non-sectarian voluntary organization,Caring for Young Refugees,CYR was established in Tokyo in 1980 in response to the severe deprivation of young Cambodian refugee children in Thailand.  CYR had worked there until the closure of the refugee camp and their repatriation for 13 years.

As division of Caring for Young Refugees, Caring for Young Khmer (CYK) has been working in Cambodia since 1991 continuing focus on a developmental work where the spirit of self-help is essential, but  where Children and women who are much in need of support for their well being.

After general visits to study the situation in Cambodia during 1990-1991, We learned that a large number of children were still severely affected by the shortage of appropriate care and education.   CYK began the community based projects to strengthen the welfare and self –reliance of their mothers through child-related and income generating activities in 1991 in Cambodia


Founded in 1980, Caring for Young Refugees had worked in the Cambodian refugee camp in Thailand for the young refugee children for 13 years until the closure of the refugee camp. Caring for Young Khmer started its work in Cambodia in 1991 before the refugees from the Thai Cambodian border camps repatriated. After general visits to study the situation in Cambodia during 1990-1991, we learned that a large number of children were still severely affected by the shortage of appropriate care and education.   Caring for Young Khmer; CYK, a Japanese NGO began the community-based projects to increase the welfare of children and self-reliance of their mothers through child-related and income generating activities in 1991 in Cambodia.


CYK aims to promote healthy development of deprived young children who are forced to live under harsh environment from war, disaster, starvation and poverty and support their parents and their community to be self-reliant in a humane living environment. CYK aims to achieve lasting improvements in quality of life of deprived young children, whose immense development is invaluable


A Society where people, especially young children and women can enjoy their well being, where people live with integrity in harmony