Detail of Information

ជីវិតថ្លៃថ្នូរ ( N/A )

Life With Dignity (LWD)

Type : Local NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector :

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box : 45

Po Box : 37

Phone Number : 023 881 100

Email Address :


Head Quarter Phone Number : NULL

Head Quarter Website : NULL

Head Quarter Email :

Head Quarter Address :

Head Quarter Country :


Province : Phnom Penh

District : Tuol Kouk

Commune : Boeng Kak Pir

Village : Ou Thum


Program Components: LWD works through partnerships and empowerment in the areas of: • Community governance, leadership and development • Human rights and advocacy • Food security and nutrition • Income generation • Access to education and non-formal education for adults • Preventive health (primary care, HIV and AIDS) • Water and sanitation • Gender/youth • Community-based natural resources management • Climate change adaptation, disaster risk management and emergency response Humanitarian mine action


LIFE WITH DIGNITY (LWD) is an autonomous Cambodian NGO localized from the Lutheran World Federation (LWF)/Department for World Service’s Cambodia Program in Jan 2011. LWD, under the local leadership, continues working with all existing donors/partners and related government agencies to improve the livelihoods of the poor in rural Cambodia. LWD continues the more than 30-year-old program of LWF Cambodia, which shifted from emergency relief, demining, resettlement and rehabilitation to integrated rural development with an emphasis on rights-based empowerment, to uphold the rights of the poor and oppressed. Beyond a focus on the delivery of Development Service to the poor in rural Cambodia, LWD has also provided Training and Consultancy Service (TCS) since 2007.


• Justice • Equity • People’s Participation • Transparency and Accountability


Life With Dignity (LWD) facilitate the empowerment of vulnerable rural people to claim their universal rights


People living in peace, dignity and harmony in a democratic and just society united in diversity and empowered to achieve their universal rights.


To contribute to the poverty alleviation of Cambodia through rights-based empowerment of rural communities, strengthening local leadership and improvement of governance.