Detail of Information

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Action Contre La Faim

Type : International NGOs

Gpp : Never

Sector :

Contact Information

Director/Country director :

Ccc Box :

Po Box :

Phone Number :

Email Address :

Website :

Head Quarter Phone Number : NULL

Head Quarter Website : NULL

Head Quarter Email : NULL

Head Quarter Address : NULL

Head Quarter Country :


Province :

District : Boeng Tumpun

Commune :

Village : Ou Thum


Action Contre la Faim is a non-governmental organisation. Private, non-political, non-denominational and non-profit making, it was set up in France in 1979 and is now an international organisation with headquarters in Paris, London, Madrid and New York to intervene in countries throughout the world.


Action Contre la Faim has been present in Cambodia since 1989 and has been primarily involved in providing assistance for the resettlement of returnees and internally displaced people (IDP”S) mainly in the following sectors: health care, water and sanitation, food security, flooding prevention and minor infrastructure. Action Contre la Faim is currently continuing its project in disaster preparedness and is focusing on humanitarian pocket such as the forgotten people in Mondol Kiri through its water and hygiene education project.




Action Contre la Faim intervenes in the following situations:  in natural or man-made crises which threaten food security or result in famine,  in situations of social/ economic breakdown linked to internal or external circumstances which place particular groups of people in an extremely vulnerable position,  in situations where survival depends on humanitarian aid. Action Contre la Faim intervenes either during the crisis itself, through emergency actions, or afterwards, through rehabilitation and sustainable development programmes. Action Contre la Faim also intervenes in the prevention of certain high-risk situations


The vocation of Action Contre la Faim is to save lives by combating hunger, disease, and crises which threaten the lives of helpless men, women and children.
