Detail of Information

Contact Information
Director/Country director :
Ccc Box :
Po Box : 9204
Phone Number : 052 950 2181/012 505 512
Email Address :
Head Quarter Phone Number :
Head Quarter Website :
Head Quarter Email :
Head Quarter Address : Sustainable Cambodia, Inc. 101 SE 2nd Place, Suite 201-B Gainesville, FL 32601 USA
Head Quarter Country : United States of America
Sustainable Cambodia works with the families of rural Cambodian villages to help them achieve sustainability and self-sufficiency through wells, irrigation systems, schools, training and empowerment. Cambodian village families have been slowly rebuilding their lives after the Khmer Rouge genocide, but Cambodia remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Rural areas of Cambodia still face severe poverty, lack of health care, and low levels of education, economic opportunity, and resources. Sustainable Cambodia works with YOU to make a huge difference in the lives of these deserving families. We are not an "aid" organization... We are an empowerment organization. We "teach a person to fish", but we go one step further: Each village uses a "pass-it-on" element of community service, so the village families not only help themselves, but help neighboring villages. The result is sustainability within the villages, and replication of the model as village families volunteer to help surrounding villages. The work is comprehensive: We empower the village families to create a sustainable quality of life, helping them acquire fresh water, irrigation, schools, agriculture, skills and income generation. We employ ONLY native Cambodians as paid staff. ALL international officers, directors and consultants are volunteers who are unpaid. This allows us to keep our overhead and fundraising expenses under 3%, and funding from the founders pays more than this modest amount. So literally 100% of your funding goes into helping the rural village families. Since 2004, Sustainable Cambodia's unique empowerment model has helped tens of thousands of Cambodian men, women and children to rebuild their shattered lives. YOU can make a huge difference. Any way you choose to help, 100% of your contribution will go directly to on-the-ground projects in rural Cambodia. Please join us and see what a difference you can make in a child's life!
Our mission is to help the Cambodian villages in which we work become self-sustaining communities where people want to live, with healthy water and facilities, good food, health care and education for the residents, where there is environmental and social responsibility, and employment that allows them to sustain and continually improve their quality of life.
Sustainable Cambodia's long-term vision is to create a model which is so successful in creating self-sufficiency and quality of life that the village residents in the program will assist Sustainable Cambodia in spreading the model to other communities throughout the country.