Detail of Information
Contact Information
Director/Country director :
Ccc Box :
Po Box :
Phone Number : 063 671 19 11/ 012 48 98 64
Email Address :
Website :
Head Quarter Phone Number : (401) 741-6508 (Lisa)
Head Quarter Website :
Head Quarter Email :
Head Quarter Address : Water for Cambodia PO Box 1121 Bristol, RI 02809
Head Quarter Country : United States of America
In 2002 Middletown Rotarian Gunther Hausen visited the Angkor Hospital for Children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. While there, he learned of the hundreds of children arriving at the hospital with preventable waterborne diseases due to the lack of clean drinking water. In response to the hospital's urgent request for help, Gunther developed the Water for Cambodia project. In addition to providing biosand filters, he understood that teaching literacy was important for the women care givers to achieve improved health and economic conditions for their families. In 2005, Bob Aldrich joined Gunther as the Project Director. Over the next 2 years they developed the project model used today.
Our mission is to provide clean water, hygiene and literacy education to rural Cambodian families, improving their health and helping to break the cycle of poverty.