
As the largest and longest membership based organizations, Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) has been coordinated and serviced for CSO membership organizations and development since 1990 to bring civil society from different sectors i.e. humanitarian, human rights, economic development, social and environment, to come together for better programing, organization, development practices, and influence policy through this collective efforts. Membership organizations have been increased from time to time both local and international civil society organizations in Cambodia from over than 20 countries.

Huge numbers of services and platforms have been developed for this vibrant networking and needs of members including the bi-monthly member meetings, the Annual General Meeting, and some extra ordinary meetings for addressing emerging issues and development challenges, learning forums , a hub of information sharing , and referral support and many other benefits (please see benefits grid). Therefore, member organizations could have opportunity to learn together, sharing experiences at local, national and global level, and keeping track of development issues, as well as better response to changes and development trend.

Any associations and non-governmental organizations who are officially registered in Cambodia can be member of CCC. Please click the link for process being member and application form. Hope we can joint together for our growth and benefits to civil society sector.


  • Upon receipt of the initial application documents, the executive director will inform the Executive Committee and the general membership of the organization’s eligibility for membership.
  • After receipt of all required application documents, the Executive Committee evaluates the observer’s documents and recommends either to bring the observer to vote or, if necessary, to submit additional supporting documents about the organization for further clarification.
  • At the end of the observer period, the Executive Committee will vote on and formally accept the new member by a majority 50% plus 1 vote or reject the application if the vote is less than the required majority.
  • If rejected, the Executive Committee is required to note the specific criteria for membership that are not met by the organization making the application, as set out in the membership procedures.
  • The executive director then advises the membership of the vote results. The final decision, with objective rationale, will be recorded in the minutes of the CCC general meeting.
  • Payment of full membership fees will be required from both members and associates as from the day of acceptance into CCC.
  • Observers are those organizations in the process of joining CCC required to pay ‘fee for cover all the services and other resources during the two-month observer period.



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