How to become a member of CCC

Types of Membership

There are two types of CCC membership: Full Member and Associate Member.

1. Full Status/Full Member 

Organization as full member have the right to voice and vote. The staff could nominate and vote to serve on CCC ExCom and any CCC committee. The organization could fullfill all requiredment/documents in the following (see detailed in 5.3 of CCC member bylaw) are becoming full member.

2. Associate Status/Associate Member

Organization as full member have the right to voice. The staff could nominate and vote to serve on any sub-committee or Adhoc committee. Agencies eligible to be a Member may not choose Associate status instead of Member status.

Applicants for being member are required to pay USD 50 (about 200,000 Riel) for the cost of file control and participation in any action as defined in Bylaw in the name of observation members of CCC for the period of two months.

Organization can submit the application and required documents include:

  • A letter stating the Organization’s desire to join the CCC must be submitted to the CCC Executive Director,
  • A Statement for signing indicating the Organization understands that Membership fee is to be paid in full upon entry into the CCC,
  • Legal registration documents (from the country in which the main office is registered for INGO Only), 
  • Legal registration in Cambodia to confirm the non-profit (association, non-governmental status of the Organization) with MoI or MoFA.
  • Statute of Organization/Chapter and By Law
  • A description of the Organization’s program in Cambodia with project information including goals objectives, intended beneficiaries, and the current annual operating budget.

Membership Fee:

An annual membership fee is charged based on the actual annual approved budget plan multiplied by 0.00225 but not more than USD $3,000 (about 12,000,000 Riel). The payment period from 02 January to 30 March of each or at the latest in the third (3rd) month of the member’s fiscal. 

Associate members are required to pay only 75 per cent of the full member fee.



CCC Member Benefit Grid KH


CCC Member Benefit Grid EN

Event Calendar
06 Mar 2025, Finance Learning Forum
21 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)