Practical Guideline on Monitoring and Evaluation

Many M&E experts and practitioners gave their time and shared their talents in the process of creating this guideline, in particular the Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group Members who competently and graciously provided insights into the content to be addressed in this guideline and reviewed and edited it, thereby making it a more readable and user-friendly document.

This guideline was compiled by Consultants of Advance Business Consultancy (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd. Development was made possible with the support of the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), a project funded by Diakonia and Oxfam (America). CCC’s Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor reviewed the content for context and structure, adding diagrams and expanding the data management section.

The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) wishes to acknowledge the project grant given by Diakonia and Oxfam (America). Our special thanks are to the Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group Members and all NGOs Member Participants for contributing their time and sharing their based practical knowledge, experiences, and documents on the development of A Practical Guideline: Monitoring & Evaluation in the NGO Sector.




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21 Feb 2025, M&E Learning Forum