Member satisfaction survey 2024

The report on member satisfaction was conducted on an annual basis to monitor and evaluate services and intervention of CCC, in accordance with CCC Bylaw, stated that members of CCC are entitled to provide comments or recommendations on activities and operations of CCC. The report was produced based on the data from the member satisfaction survey 2023 and four learning forum satisfaction surveys which were conducted from April to May 2024 with 160 total participants.

The results from the survey evaluated the services and interventions to its members in 2023. Significantly, CCC's members who participated in the survey were satisfied with the services and responses from CCC. Respectively from the survey, 78 percent of the respondents were satisfied with the services of CCC while 82 percent were satisfied with the responses from CCC. The satisfaction was also linked to the engagements from members with CCC's activities, indicating the majority of members participated in almost all CCC's events.

The engagement from member organizations with CCC's services and interventions showed the positive changes in member's organizational development as 97 percent of respondents rated that their organizations have improved from little changes to more changes due to their engagements in the interventions or services from CCC. The main positive change reported by the respondent was the understanding and compliance to the laws and regulations (e.g. Taxation law, LANGO, Labor law).

In terms of communication, electronic mail is still the most preferred means of communication between members and CCC, as it was rated by 97 percent of respondents, followed by Telegram (91%) as the second most preferred tool for online communications, and the majority of members in the survey appreciated the effort of CCC in communications with members.

Overall, the services and interventions from CCC received positive feedback from members that encouraged CCC to maintain the good quality of the existing services. There are still some areas that CCC should improve in membership work, particularly on strengthening member organizations to comply with the laws and regulations. That includes coordinating more workshops on LANGO and Taxation, as well as sharing the legal compliance processes and requirements with all members. All the comments from members would be considered for better responses and services from CCC.


Report of member satisfaction survey 2024_Final


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Event Calendar
21 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
03 Apr 2025, HR Learning Forum