Annual General Meeting (2015)
Speaker By:
Venue: Daikonia Center(KSSA/ICF), Phnom Penh
Date: 10 Mar-10 Mar 2016
This year AGM will be convened on 10 March 2016 with very excited thematic programs, speakers, interactions with honor guests, displayed materials, and fairs.
Objectives :
- To appreciate key achievements of CCC and its members in contributing to development of Cambodia in 2015;
- To collectively discuss and endorse priorities for CCC to take for the next five year 2016 – 2020
- To genuinely share, and discuss on key concerns, advocacy efforts, and make joint efforts in responding to new development paradigms, especially in the con text of LANGO and SDGs
- To debate on multi-partnership arrangement for SDGs localization in Cambodia.
Click for view Photos.
Annual General Meeting 2015 Presentation : Financial status by Khorn Bunthong
Break Out Session
Group 1:
BreakOut:GHP for AGM by Mr.Kimchean Edward
- Group1 - Review findings
Group 2:
BreakOut:LANGO Presentation by Mr. Mi Nac
- Group 2 - Review findings
Group 3:
BreakOut:SDGs for AGM by Dr.EL Sotheary
- Group 3 - Review findings
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