Busan Democracy Forum
Speaker By:
Venue: Republic of Korea
Date: 23 Jan-23 Jan 2018
Time: -
At Busan Democracy Forum, Republic of Korea 23 Jan 2018, Mr. SOEUNG SAROEUN, Executive Director of CCC, highlighted the importance of unity, solidarity, and trust among civil society and other stakeholders. Mr. SAROEUN reiterated the key roles of SDGs Goal 16 which embedded peace, strong institution and good governance as the substantial driver towards realizing the whole SDGs framework. Since Cambodian Sustainable Development Goals (CSDGs) will be approved in early 2018, SAROEUN has reconfirmed some roles for Cambodian CSOs to put this framework lively:
1. Promote public sensitization on SDGs
2. Improve competency development among CSOs and stakeholders
3. Strengthen resource mobilization from different possible sources
4. Enhance inclusive M&E capacity, focusing on CSDGs
5. Promote solidarity, unity and governance of CSOs
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