LFR Training
Speaker By:
Date: 06 May-10 May 2024
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Other Event Archives
The 250th CCC Bi-Monthly Member Meeting “Roles of Civil Society Organizations and Policies Development”
Objectives To provide the update information of enabling environment in Cambodia......
The 21st Finance Learning Forum
The 21st Finance Learning Forum is designed for Finance practitioners who come from members and non-members organizations of CCC. This event will be full-day conducted on 27 March 2018 at Diakonia center with specific objectives, expected outputs...
ICT Learning Forum
Powerful Visual Content Online is the main topic of the 25th ICT Learning Forum on 24th May 2019. This particular forum will allow ICT practitioners to learn more on web-based basic design tools for better development of visual content, on social media security and new technology such as Hologram.
Mr. Soeung Saroeun, ED of CCC has been elected as the Vice Chair of Global Council for Forus
It is a great honor for the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia, as our Executive Director, Mr. Soeung Saroeun, has been elected as the Vice Chair of Global Council for Forus.
Bi-monthly meeting
This 257th Bi‐Monthly Members Meeting will be convened on 18 July 2019 at Diakonia Center (KSSA/ICF No.19-21, St. 330, Phnom Penh). Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting designed for participants who are country Representatives/Executive Directors and Senior Leaders/Managers of CCC members
Provincial NGO Networks of CCC
PHNOM PENH_Strengthening Provincial NGO networks is one of the key intervention of Governance Hub Program (GHP) of CCC ...
Separate Registration of Tax Identification Numbers (TIN)
1st HR Learning Forum
The HRM Learning Forum has been conducted since 2002 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from HRM Working Group members who are HRM professionals