Local Fundraising Training (Introductory workshop for leaders)
Speaker By:
Venue: Diakonia Center
Date: 06 Jun-06 Jun 2019
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 AM
Benefits of the Training
At the end of the program participants will
- Have the basic knowledge and skills to raise funds at local level for a local project of their organizations;
- Be able to determine the resources needed for projects to match these with potential donors;
- Be able to know basics of effective fundraising and be able to draft an action plan and budget for fundraising activities;
- Be able to link branding, communication and local resource mobilization;
- Help participating organizations to identify current resource gaps and to equip them with knowledge, skills and right attitude to raise resources with a focus on local resource mobilization and community fundraising;
- Support participants’ reflection on their sustainability, fundraising and resource mobilization practices.
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