Meeting with General Department of Taxation (GDT)
Speaker By:
Date: 03 Aug-03 Aug 2018
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 AM

Meeting with General Department of Taxation (GDT) organized by CCC this morning is beyond the taxation discussion. It is about an opportunity to collaborate, to clear the perception, and to communicate the alternative solutions.
H.E. Kong Vibol, Delegate of Royal Government of Cambodia, In Charge as Direct General of General Department of Taxation, agreed in the previous meeting on the propose of the joint taxation working group between NGOs and Department of Taxation.
After listening to challenges raised by CCC and its members regarding Taxation compliance, he will send the requested letter of taxation committee members (maximum of 15 from NGOs and 15 from Department of Taxation) to Ministry of Economy and Finance for an office approval.
The meeting ended by opening the door for in-depth discussion on Taxation compliance and legal frameworks that are the barrier for civil society to comply with.
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