Provincial NGO Networks of CCC
Speaker By:
Date: 08 Aug-08 Aug 2017
Time: -
PHNOM PENH_Strengthening Provincial NGO networks is one of the key intervention of Governance Hub Program (GHP) of CCC. Among the fifteen target provincial NGO networks, CCC has signed MoU with eight Provincial NGO networks since 2014. Those provinces are Siem Reap, K.Thom, Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, Rattanakiri, Kratie, Stung Treng, and Kompong Som.
Twice a year, the reflection meetings with the Provincial NGO networks are organized in Phnom Penh or selected provinces for the sake of sharing achievements, lesson learned, and improvement points.
Within 2017, Provincial NGO networks who are members and non-members of the signed MoU are invited to share their practical experiences, challenges, and current status of their networks.
The networks who have signed MoU with CCC claimed that they are well function. However, the networks who have not signed the MoU yet stated that they are facing financial shortage, commitment from members, and the limitation of their capacity to perform their roles. These are big challenges to sustain the networks.
With MoU and without MoU, both types of Provincial Networks are going along well on sector based. However, there still remain tremendous community issues to be addressed. The long-term concrete plans need to be well prepared to ensure existing of the Provincial Networks.
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