Terms of Employment for NGOs/Associations
Speaker By:
Venue: Virtual Forum: Google Meet
Date: 20 May-20 May 2020
Time: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM
Other Event Archives
1st Bi-monthly Member Meeting 2016
The 7 April 2016 CCC's Bi-monthly members meeting is the 241th Member Meeting since 1991. Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting is designed for country re presentatives/executive directors and/or senior leaders/managers of CCC members to...
Second CCC Members Bi-monthly Meeting 2015
The meeting was conducted on 2 June 2015 as normally for its members. It was designed into two main sessions. The first half morning was to update on current status CCC membership and form the technical working group on the LANGO and policy development process. After the break, there was the small group discussions on the e-advocacy system.
The 27th M&E Learning Forum - Kobo Toolbox Online &Offline Data Collection
Consultation Workshop on “Annual Reflections and 2019-Plan for Strengthening their networks and Partnership with the Government Authorities
To appreciate key achievements of Provincial NGOs Networks in 2018; To reflect key challenges and priorities that Provincial NGO Networks faced and committed to address in 2019. To prepare themselves to participate in the Government-CSOs consultative platforms in both national and municipal/provincial levels and CCC key events in 2019.
Development Trend and New Paradigm toward Civil Society at Sub-national Level
Regional Learning Forum on “ Development Trend and New Paradigm toward Civil Society at Sub-national Level” which is initiated and co-organize by Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC)...