The 266th Bi-Monthly Meeting Meeting
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Venue: Hybrid Meeting
Date: 02 Dec-02 Dec 2021
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
Bi-monthly meeting
This 251th Bi-Monthly Members meeting will be convened in the morning of 5 April 2018 at Diakonia Center (KSSA/ICF). Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting designed for participants who are country representatives/executive directors and senior leaders/managers of CCC members to attend and bring the common concerns on the development challenges and prioritize the issues to...
Legal Framework Related to the Operation of Civil Society Organizations
Update and discuss on the challenges of CSOs on compliance of related legal framework including the LANGO, Labour Law, NSSF Law, and Taxation Law. Participate in promoting the related legal capacity related to the operations of CSOs in Cambodia. To assess and collect information and recommendations of CSOs on issues related to the challenges in...
First Bi-monthly Member Meeting
The bi-monthly meeting for member organizations of CCC was organized on 1 April 2014 to bring the leaders and senior managements of member organizations
To promote civic space and social accountability across the region
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Results-based Management, 6-month Report and Annual Report Writing
Civil society organizations (CSOs) including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community based organizations (CBOs) have played an important role and made significant contributions to the development of Cambodia,..