Validation Workshop
Speaker By:
Venue: tbc
Date: 08 Apr-08 Apr 2022
Time: 2:00 PM-4:30 PM
Other Event Archives
We are very delighted to meet Mr. Samuel Hurtig, Head of Development Cooperation Section, and Ms. Camilla Monsine Ottosson
Today, we are very delighted to meet Mr. Samuel Hurtig, Head of Development Cooperation Section, and Ms. Camilla Monsine Ottosson, First Secretary-Democracy, Human Rights and Labour Market, at the Embassy of Sweden Phnom Penh to discuss on topic such as strategic partnership development.
Psychological supports, pre-caution and prevention of COVID-19, and update on legal compliance of non-profit entity are among the main discussion topics of virtual CCC members meeting on 28 April 2021.
Legal Framework Related to the Operation of Civil Society Organizations
Update and discuss on the challenges of CSOs on compliance of related legal framework including the LANGO, Labour Law, NSSF Law, and Taxation Law. Participate in promoting the related legal capacity related to the operations of CSOs in Cambodia. To assess and collect information and recommendations of CSOs on issues related to the challenges in...
1st M&E Learning Forum in 2015
The M&E Learning Forum has been conducted since December 2009 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from M&E Working Group members who are M&E professionals and practitioners of CCC members. The forum is designed to:
Second M&E Learning Forum
2nd ME learning forum was conducted on 24 October 2014 To continually respond to the needs of the NGO community for good practice within the NGOs...