Enabling Environment at Local Level

The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) in collaboration with the Kratie NGOs Network (KNN) owed much thanks and appreciation to all relevant stakeholders and
respondents had participated and shared valuable time to engage in this research study.

On behalf of CCC and Kratie Provincial Network, we would like to express our gratitude to research team who engage in this action learning research since designing stage, data collection, and preparing for analyze. Thanks to the management of the organizations support in this work, and Research Advisory Board provide direction and sharing valuable ideas to make the study more comprehensive and applicable in local context of Cambodia, especially Mr. Chheat Sreang for preparing this report, and Mr. Chen Sochoeun for providing additional inputs in analyze and make up the report. Much thanks to Mr. Yous Pheary, NGOs coordinator in Kratie province, Mr. Uk Yuth, director of Kafdoc organization, and his team take lead coordination in this research study within the province.

We would also like to convey our special thanks and appreciation to NCDD provincial and district advisory, district authorities, commune and village authorities who share valuable information from the operation and experiences to make the research team could explore and analyze the current practices and challenges in working together with different stakeholders.

Finally, we would like to gratitude thanks to all CSOs engagement who operating the program in the target areas, and local community who participated in the discussion during the data collection process, and briefing workshop.

We expected that the report could be flashlight for strategic improvement the collaboration and engagement of CSOs and local authorities, as well as private sector. It also expected to improve enabling environment and feedback for local performance in respected areas. It would help NGOs provincial network and government authorities within the provinces have better learnt and discussion for strengthening the work of local staffs, and better prepare themselves to act and work more together effectively. Moreover, it will be used as feedbacks and advocate to government for better implementation of decentralization policy, whilst the CSOs could improve and strengthen the work for more effectively in development process.




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Event Calendar
21 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
03 Apr 2025, HR Learning Forum