ICT in Social Media Practical Guideline Version 2018



ICT in Social Media guideline is being designed by the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) which supported by ICT advisory and working group works. They are working closely with freelance consultant team to make sure that this guideline is really imply to the need users, especially the members of the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia.

CCC would like to say thank you so much for our cooperation with team members of Consulting Partnership for Education and Career that lead by Mr. Rich Chamroeun, who are we selected for reviewing and updating this guideline.

CCC also would like to deep thank you to the ICT Working Group members who provided comments and feedback in this guideline be more quality and effectiveness that responded to the need of CSOs in Cambodia. Especially, CCC would like to deep thank you to CCC colleagues team are Mr. Soeung Typo, Capacity Development Manager, Ms. Keo Mara, Learning Speccialist and Ms. Sin Putheary, Head of Communications and Member Development which participated closely with high responsible to make this guideline happened for public benefit included CCC members and non-members.

Finally, CCC would like to wish all members above who involved in the updating this guideline wish all the best and successful all of works.


ICT in Social Media Practical Guideline Final_Khmer


ICT in Social Media Practical Guideline Final_English


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