Community Participation Dealing with Emerging Local Issues, 2012

The Community Participatory Action Research (CPAR) training course provided by CCC since 2004 known as Community Course is re-designed for field workers working directly with local people. This course aims to strengthen capacity in research and analytical skills on emerging issues, and influence the thinking and practices of participants for the empowerment of local communities and in response to Cambodia’s rapidly changing society. In 2012, this course started in late March, and ended in August, which divided into three steps: 1) concepts and theories along with practical learning, 2) conducting field practice by applying Participatory Action Research (PAR) to deal with community problem with mentoring and coaching support, and 3) report writing and presentation.

PAR is a cyclical process that starts with reflection based on the current situation, identification of the problem or question, doing field work, and analysis, and always engaging with community members to ensure their involvement (drawing heavily from Wadsworth, 1998). The CPAR course allows for detailed study coordinated by course participants and community stakeholders, along with technical support from CCC.

This is the summary of research result from the 9 NGO participants conducting their research in 2012.  It covers topics relating to the environment, domestic violence, education, sanitation, and other emerging issues in the community. These research topics were conducted in Battambang, Pursat, and Banteay Meanchey provinces. 




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21 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
03 Apr 2025, HR Learning Forum