Small-Scale Land Distribution in Cambodia: Lessons from Three Case Studies, November 2001

The ADI Team and participants would like to express our thanks to Dr. Rebecca (Pem) Catalla (Ph.D.) who facilitated the research process for us. She enabled us to successfully achieve our twin goals of doing a useful study and strengthening the research skills of the past ADI course participants.

Kim Leang and Sam Ton Leng of Lutheran World Service, Yim Yaren and Yos Molly from World Vision International and Phoeung Sinam and Pech Sophary from Concern Worldwide also played crucial roles in setting up the field visits with local authorities and briefing the participants prior to the study. Their organizations provided transportation, extra staff and important information that maximized our time spent.The help and support was greatly appreciated.

Thank you to the Mines Advisory Group and the Land Use Planning Unit of the Department of Rural Development in Battambang who also provided useful primary and secondary data.




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