Graduation and Learning Day on LFR
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Date: 22 Dec-22 Dec 2022
Time: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Other Event Archives
Training Workshop on Deviation Report and Case Study Writing For NPA’s Partners
Training Workshop on Deviation Report and Case Study Writing For NPA’s Partners
The Extension of CCC Membership Fee Payment until 31 May 2020
The Extension of CCC Membership Fee Payment until 31 May 2020
Resource Mobilization Learning Forum
Objectives of the Resource Mobilization Learning Forum To introduction overall concept of diverse resources mobilization. To identify key challenges of CSOs in fundraising and diverse resources mobilization. To discuss on the need for capacity development on diverse resource mobilization and prioritize some key actions to be taken by CCC and its partners....
Bi-Monthly Meeting
This 254th Bi-Monthly meeting was convened o 27 September 2018 at Diakonia Center (KSSA/ICF), where CCC welcomes two new members such as BBC Media Action and...
Awarding Ceremony and 11th Certified NGO Learning Forum
On 15 December 2017, CCC organize forum offers to a maximum of 100-120 participants from GPP certificated and applicant NGOs,NGOs interested in applying for NGO GPP Certificate-NGO networks, Community based organization (CBOs), youths, funding partners, government, representatives and dedia.
To promote civic space and social accountability across the region
To promote civic space and social accountability across the region, Mr. Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director of CCC participated in an international dialogue with relevant stakeholders including Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through the coordination of Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) during the visit in Tokyo on 19-22 Feb 2018. Besides enabling ..
Taxation Workshop
The Taxation Law of Cambodian is the duty of imposing charges on citizens and corporate entities that must be implemented. It's the huge risk factor for CSO if they don't apply to Taxation Law. Responding to the recently updated, CCC is going to organize the special meeting on 27 September 2017 on Taxation implication to CSO.
Annual Staff Reflection
From 16-20 of July, the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia have organized the Annual Staff Reflection for the first semester in Siem Reap Province in order to celebrate the achievements and to reflect on how the interventions of CCC can be even more responsive to the need of beneficiaries, especially members and partners.