HID Project Management Training
Speaker By: To be confirmed
Venue: To be confirmed
Date: 26 Jun-29 Jun 2023
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Other Event Archives
CCC would like to inform to our members and partners that for better response to the spread of Covid 19, the government decided to lockdown Phnom Penh municipality and Takhmao of Kandal Province for 14 days start from 15 April 2021 until 28 April 2021.
Awarding Ceremony and Multi-Stakeholder Forum
CCC implemented the NGO Governance & Professional Practice (GPP) since 2004 (originally known as the NGO Good Practice Project), aiming at promoting professionalism...
Learning Forum on Organizational Development and Resource Mobilization for Provincial NGO Networks
In the previous week, the cooperation committee for Cambodia has organized Learning Forum on Organizational Development and Resource Mobilization for Provincial NGO Networks...
The Technical Consultation Workshop on Standard of the Financial Report Tier 2 for Civil Society Organization
Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) is very delighted to conduct an online workshop on the Technical Consultation on Standard of the Financial Tier 2 for non-profit organizations on 23 February 2021 through Google Meet.
The Consultation Workshop on Standard of the Financial Report Tire 2
Consultative workshop on "Cambodian Standard of Financial Report for Non-Profit Entities (Tire 2)" was successfully conducted this morning at 26 August 2019 at Diakonia Center. This workshop intended to strengthen the understanding on updates and obligations on financial report; and seek for inputs and consultation for draft on Tire 2 Standard.
1st Finance Learning Forum 2016
Agreed by finance working group members the 1st finance learning forum will be covered the Fund Raising Strategy and Grant Management to respond to the needs of the.....