Awarding Ceremony and 11th Certified NGO Learning Forum
Speaker By: Mr. Kao Dyna, Mr. Yorng Kim Eng, Mr. Clint O'Connell, Mr. Meas Kheang
Venue: Diakonia Center/KSSA
Date: 15 Dec-15 Dec 2017
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
This forum effers to a maximum of 100-120 participants from GPP certificated and applicant NGOs,NGOs interested in applying for NGO GPP Certificate-NGO networks, Community based organization(CBOs), youths, funding partners, government, representativies and dedi.
- To award NGO GPP Certificates to the nfewly certified NGOs in 2017
- To promote the CSO government, accountablility, transparenecy, and professionalism
- To hlep CSOs prepared for legal commplinance(e.g. Law on Associations and NGOs, Law on Taxation, Law on Accounting & Auditing)
- To assist CSOs to strengthen their internal control and financial management & sustainabliltiy
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