Awarding Ceremony and 11th Certified NGO Learning Forum
Speaker By: Mr. Kao Dyna, Mr. Yorng Kim Eng, Mr. Clint O'Connell, Mr. Meas Kheang
Venue: Diakonia Center/KSSA
Date: 15 Dec-15 Dec 2017
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
This forum effers to a maximum of 100-120 participants from GPP certificated and applicant NGOs,NGOs interested in applying for NGO GPP Certificate-NGO networks, Community based organization(CBOs), youths, funding partners, government, representativies and dedi.
- To award NGO GPP Certificates to the nfewly certified NGOs in 2017
- To promote the CSO government, accountablility, transparenecy, and professionalism
- To hlep CSOs prepared for legal commplinance(e.g. Law on Associations and NGOs, Law on Taxation, Law on Accounting & Auditing)
- To assist CSOs to strengthen their internal control and financial management & sustainabliltiy
Other Event Archives
Bi-monthly meeting
This 257th Bi‐Monthly Members Meeting will be convened on 18 July 2019 at Diakonia Center (KSSA/ICF No.19-21, St. 330, Phnom Penh). Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting designed for participants who are country Representatives/Executive Directors and Senior Leaders/Managers of CCC members
34th HR Learning Forum 2017
Objectives of the HR Learning Forum • To strengthen participant’s internal policy to comply with the relevant laws of Cambodia • To promote the understanding of participants on the Legal compliance on Employment Terms and Condition • To create a.....
CCC would like to inform to our members and partners that for better response to the spread of Covid 19, the government decided to lockdown Phnom Penh municipality and Takhmao of Kandal Province for 14 days start from 15 April 2021 until 28 April 2021.
The Extension of CCC Membership Fee Payment until 31 May 2020
The Extension of CCC Membership Fee Payment until 31 May 2020
Finance Learning Forum
To review the outcome and impact of last finance learning forum, To Enhance understanding on tax compliance and implementation for non-for-profit entities,..