ICT-Learning Forum
Speaker By:
Venue: Venue, (TBC)
Date: 19 Oct-19 Oct 2023
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Other Event Archives
Update: 4th Partnership Forum: Gov't & CSOs_3 Feb 2020
This is the 4th Partnership Forum between the Government and Civil Society Organization which was held at the Ministry of Interior on 3rd Feb 2020. Achievements, challenges, and suggestions have been raised during the partnership forum. 1) Highlight on process of LANGO Amendment 2) Monitor on 12 key asks raised since 2nd partnership forum in 2019
Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation Monitoring Exercise Validation Workshop
Busan Democracy Forum
At Busan Democracy Forum, Republic of Korea 23 Jan 2018, Mr. SOEUNG SAROEUN, Executive Director of CCC, highlighted the importance of unity, solidarity, and trust among civil society and other stakeholders. Mr. SAROEUN reiterated the key roles of SDGs Goal 16 which embedded peace, strong institution and good governance as the substantial driver towards realizing the whole SDGs framework....
Consultative Meeting on Contemporary CSOs’ Enabling Environment
To identify all previous year challenges and improvement on the contemporary CSOs’ Enabling Environment and generate them as the proposed recommendations for the solution; To strengthen the solidarity of CSOs-Community for the better improvement of CSOs’ Enabling Environment...
Civil Society Day
More than 300 participants came and discuss on one planary and nine breakout sessions lead to the commom positon on outcome documents. This requested to all stakeholders to strongly participate to ensure the sustainble development for the country.
Partnership Meeting : Civil society and UN Resident Coordinator
This is a positive step that civil society and UN have further strengthened partnership for broader development spectrum including controversial discussion on policy dialogue, unlock private sector,