Virtually mentoring and coaching
Speaker By:
Venue: CCC
Date: 12 Nov-12 Nov 2021
Time: 8:30 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
Launching Strengthening Civil Society for Democratic and Sustainable Development
The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia is implementing a project on “Strengthening civil society for democratic and sustainable development in Cambodia”. The project budget in the amount of 1.5 million Euro is jointly financed by the European Union (EU) and the Bread for the World (BfdW) for the period of 42 months, starting from 01 April 2017.
Issue Briefing Workshop on Enabling Environment for Development at Sub-national Level
To promote better enabling environment among development stakeholders at sub-national, The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia in Collaboration with NGOs Provincial Network in the northeast region of Cambodia:
Legal Framework Related to the Operation of Civil Society Organizations
Update and discuss on the challenges of CSOs on compliance of related legal framework including the LANGO, Labour Law, NSSF Law, and Taxation Law. Participate in promoting the related legal capacity related to the operations of CSOs in Cambodia. To assess and collect information and recommendations of CSOs on issues related to the challenges in...
Beyond 2015 Consultation Meeting, UN Synthesis Report "The Road to Dignity by 2030"
The workshop was conducted on 24 December, it was aim to update the global movement on post 2015 development agenda and reflect on UN...
3rd Bi-Monthly Members Meeting
This meeting was viewed as an important event for CCC members, so CCC expects Executive or senior representative of each member could participate in this meeting.
Busan Democracy Forum
At Busan Democracy Forum, Republic of Korea 23 Jan 2018, Mr. SOEUNG SAROEUN, Executive Director of CCC, highlighted the importance of unity, solidarity, and trust among civil society and other stakeholders. Mr. SAROEUN reiterated the key roles of SDGs Goal 16 which embedded peace, strong institution and good governance as the substantial driver towards realizing the whole SDGs framework....
4th Bi-Monthly Members Meeting
The 4th CCC Bi-monthly meeting for CCC’s members was conducted on the 7 October 2014. This meeting was as an important platform for CCC members and relevant stakeholders
The Technical Consultation Workshop on Standard of the Financial Report Tier 2 for Civil Society Organization
Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) is very delighted to conduct an online workshop on the Technical Consultation on Standard of the Financial Tier 2 for non-profit organizations on 23 February 2021 through Google Meet.